Mooring word has a lot of meanings. For you, mooring means insurance a the warranty of the cage systems. It is the most variable systematic part in aquaculture equipment. The power of our system comes from its wide range product portfolio and the best quality products so can easily respond to the global demands wherever comes from. We provide the reports of the environmental and geographical conditions priory to prepare our initial report to put what and how kind of equipment is needed to be used during the installation. This is the engineering part. Our system serves you the most cost-effective and appropriate mooring system.

When coupling the fasteners, the strength of all adjacent products must be equivalent. Otherwise, the weakest priority is deformed and the mooring system is damaged.


Below are the basic elements of mooring systems. You can visit the pages for more information.

Anchors and concrete blocks are the equipment that fixes the cages to the bottom of the sea by the connection of the ropes.

Float mooring systems, suspended on the water and help to mark the production area on the water is a warning & carrier products.

Chains are located in two parts of the anchoring systems. The first part is the connection of the anchor to the battery. The latter is a type of chain used between the collectors and the connections of the buoys.

Ropes are parts that connect all the sinking and floating systems of the farm.

Mooring system uses anchors that connect anchors, vaults, ropes, chains, buoys and cages. These fasteners are collector chain locks, rings, thimbles and swivels.


Anchors and concrete blocks are equipment fixed cages to bottom of the sea by connection of ropes. The choice of each anchor depends on parameters of air, current, wind and weight. We offer you the most suitable anchorage type and engineering during the clamping system. Anchors can be offered in different types as ship type and concrete blocks.

Anchors selected according to current strength, maximum wavelengths and underwater soil survey are used to secure the system.

Measurement Test Load
250 kg 7 Ton
500 kg 12 Ton
750 kg 16 Ton
1000 kg 20 Ton
1500 kg 26 Ton
2000 kg 33 Ton
3000 kg 40 Ton
*Strong Claw
Measurement Test Load
250 kg 9 Ton
500 kg 15 Ton
750 kg 20 Ton
1000 kg 26 Ton
1500 kg 34 Ton
2000 kg 42 Ton
3000 kg 55 Ton
*Double Claw
Measurement Test Load
250 kg 4 Ton
500 kg 9 Ton
750 kg 13 Ton
1000 kg 18 Ton
1500 kg 24 Ton
2000 kg 33 Ton
3000 kg 40 Ton
*Concrete Claw


They are warning & carrier products that help to keep buoy mooring systems suspended on the water and mark the fish production area on the sea. Float dimensions vary according to weight of the equipment used in Mooring systems and size of the system.

Our buoys are manufactured in yellow according to standards of International Navigation Aids and Lighthouse Authorities Association (IALA). 355 mm, 400 mm, 450 mm, 500 mm in diameter to float single or double pipes are available in 8 different model buoy.

40 lt 400 mm 400 mm -
10 lt 350 mm 650 mm 90 / 12 mm
300 lt 700 mm 950 mm 90 / 12 mm
600 lt 1200 mm 1000 mm 110 / 16 mm
900 lt 1200 mm 1200 mm 10 / 16 mm
1200 lt 1200 mm 1400 mm 125 / 20 mm
1600 lt 1200 mm 1650 mm 125 / 20 mm
2500 lt 1600 mm 2050 mm 125 / 20 mm
4000 lt 2000 mm 3000 mm 160 / 30 mm
750 lt 500 mm 3800 mm 2500 mm
2500 lt 1200 mm 3000 mm 2000 mm
7500 lt 2000 mm 7000 mm 4000 mm
9000 lt 260 mm 8300 mm 500 mm
12000 lt 3000 mm 9000 mm 5500 mm


Chains are used in two main places in the cage fish farming system. The first place is where the anchor is connected with ropes. The second location is between collectors and connections of buoys.

Chains are shock absorbers for mooring systems. In order to minimize the risk, we determine optimum length and weight of chain to be used after calculations and integrate chain into the system to required dimensions.

Chain Diameter (mm) Grade U2 Grade U2 Grade U3 Grade U3 Weight (27,5 mm)(kg)
Chain Diameter (mm) Proof Load (kg) Breaking Load (kg) Proof Load (kg) Breaking (kg) Weight (27,5 mm)(kg)
12.5 6700 9400 9400 13500 100
14 8400 11800 11800 16800 120
16 10900 15300 15300 22000 160
17.5 13000 18300 18300 26100 190
19 15300 21500 21500 30700 222
20.5 17800 2490 2490 35600 261
22 20400 28600 28600 40900 300
24 24200 33900 33900 48500 357
26 28300 39700 39700 56700 420
28 31700 45800 45800 65500 486
30 37500 52400 52400 74900 558
Chain Diameter (mm) Grade U2 Grade U2 Grade U3 Grade U3 Weight (27,5 mm)(kg)
Chain Diameter (mm) Proof Load (kg) Breaking Load (kg) Proof Load (kg) Breaking (kg) Weight (27,5 mm)(kg)
32 42500 59400 59400 84900 635
34 47700 66800 66800 95500 717
36 53300 74600 74600 107000 805
38 59200 82800 82800 118000 896
40 65300 91400 91400 131000 995
42 71700 100000 100000 143000 1097
44 78400 110000 110000 157000 1204
46 85300 119000 119000 171000 1314
48 92600 130000 130000 185000 1432
50 100000 140000 140000 200000 1553
Chain Diameter (mm) Grade U2 Grade U2 Grade U3 Grade U3 Weight (27,5 mm)(kg)
Chain Diameter (mm) Proof Load (kg) Breaking Load (kg) Proof Load (kg) Breaking (kg) Weight (27,5 mm)(kg)
50 100000 140000 140000 200000 1553
52 108000 151000 151000 215000 1680
54 116000 162000 162000 231000 1820
56 124000 174000 174000 248000 1958
58 132000 185000 185000 265000 2101
60 141000 198000 198000 282000 2246
62 150000 210000 210000 300000 2384
64 159000 223000 223000 319000 2540
66 169000 236000 236000 337000 2700
68 178000 250000 250000 357000 2867
70 188000 263000 263000 376000 3038
73 203000 285000 285000 407000 3300
76 219000 307000 307000 438000 3580
78 230000 322000 322000 459000 3770
81 246000 345000 345000 492000 4067


Ropes are parts that connect all sinking and floating systems of the farm. Different types of ropes are selected according to requirements of environment, weather conditions and offshore type. Dyneema ropes, polyamide ropes (PA), polyester ropes (PES) and polypropylene ropes (PP) are types we recommend to our customers.



Mooring system includes anchors, vaults, ropes, chains, buoys and fasteners that connect cages. These fasteners are collector chain locks, rings, thimbles and swivels.

Fastener | Types

  • Thimble
  • Carbine
  • Solar Marine Lantern
  • Steel Rope
  • Swivel
  • Sling Rope
  • Heavy Weight Sling Rope

For more information about our mooring parts, please contact RAST Aquaculture.

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